
Eczema, Psoriasis and Allergic Dermatitis
Factors Responsible for Increased Re-Occurrence

As Dr. Hasnain Motiwala, my clinical experiences taught me about skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and allergic dermatitis, especially the increasing incidences in children. Here are summaries of such conditions and my understanding of the increased occurrences.

Eczema, Psoriasis, and Allergic Dermatitis: Dr. Hasnain Motiwala Provides a Preview of the Diseases
Preview on Conditions:

One of the most common conditions observed in children, this condition is associated with itchy, red, and irritated skin. It is somewhat related to allergens causing similar reactions and in certain cases caused due to environmental factors.


An immune system-mediated, chronic disease that causes the rapid buildup of skin cells, forming scales on the surface of the skin. Not common in children but may also develop.

Allergic Dermatitis:

Inflamed skin due to allergies is allergic dermatitis. It can be caused due to certain fabrics and soaps to which the naked skin may make contact.

Dr. Hasnain Motiwala on The Rise Notes:

These conditions have been on the increase in children over the years. It is conclusive from my observations that diet and environmental factors stand out strongly as contributory factors. A similar concern seems to be about the quality of milk and its products too. Modern methods of processing and the use of hormones in cattle may affect children's gut health, resulting in over-sensitivity and increased allergies.

Additionally, processed foods are also full of additives and preservatives. Such foods modify the normal gut flora that may lead to an inappropriate immune response resulting in skin problems.

Effects of Altered Gut Health:

The connection between the gut and the skin has been quite strong in medical literature. In fact, an imbalance in the microbiome results in increased inflammation in the body, which is a common factor of eczema, psoriasis, and allergic dermatitis.

In my practice, the importance of a wholesome diet consisting of organic, unrefined foods is promoted. This not only promotes gut health but may also discourage the worsening and appearance of skin breakouts among children.

A Wholesome Diet:

As a doctor, I recommend a holistic approach to these conditions. This implies altering the diet to increase gut health while reducing exposure to probable allergens.

Homoeopathic treatments that are often recommended refine the constitutional power to heal and can be especially potent in the management of these skin conditions.

Summing up, according to my clinical experience, the increasing prevalence of eczema, psoriasis, and allergic dermatitis among children is closely connected with dietary factors, particularly with the quality of milk and dairy products as well as the consumption of processed foods. Addressing these dietary issues and protecting gut health are crucial for the overall well-being of affected children.

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