
Anxiety and Depression
Role of Counseling in its Treatment

Anxiety and Depression: A Perspective by Dr. Hasnain Motiwala
Understanding Anxiety and Depression:
What are anxiety and depression?

In my clinical practice, I come across many patients who present with symptoms of anxiety and depression. Excessive worry and fear, sometimes causing physical symptoms, define anxiety while sustained feelings of sadness and loss of interest or feeling fatigued are some of the indications of depression.

Specific Concerns with Anxiety:

Many sufferers are reporting problems related to Claustrophobia (closed spaces) and agoraphobia (public places). There is also a huge surge in regards to the health of one's self and loved ones which could be classified as crippling.

Dr. Hasnain Motiwala’s Viewpoint on Treatment:
The Role of Counseling:

I strongly rely on counseling as a significant tool in eliminating anxiety and depression. It provides the patients with an opportunity to voice their fears and insecurities, thereby expressing a certain perception of the emotional status.

Health Homoeopathy:

Apart from counseling, there is a place for homeopathy in mental health. The homeopathic medicines are only selected based on characteristic symptoms of the individual and emotional state, hence individual centered treatment.

Treating the Whole Person:

As noted earlier, Homeopathy does not target to treat the symptoms alone; rather, it aims at treating the person as a whole. This plays an important role in making sure that more lasting results are achieved since the predisposing causes of anxiety and depression are treated fundamentally.

Building Confidence and Assurance:

Reinstating The Balance of Life: The incorporated effect of applied counseling and homeopathic treatment helps in reinstating back the lost confidence to get into life leading it in a well synchronous manner. It gradually helps the person cope up with the fears and anxieties restoring back the 'once upon a time' lost sanity of the mind.

Empowering the Patients:

My approach is empowering patients, helping them in realizing their own strength to overcome these challenges. With adequate support and treatment, it is possible to reclaim the joy and peace in their lives.

In summary, stood from the standpoint of a doctor, anxiety and depression including specific fears like claustrophobia and health anxieties in particular, require a compassionate and comprehensive treatment approach. Counseling and individualized homeopathic remedies can offer the patients the confidence and the necessary tools that allay the fear so necessary to cope with these obstacles and begin the rapture of their life.

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